Alternate ending to How I Met Your Mother


The final chapter begins with Barney taking a new born baby out of her crib and looking at her with love.

“Welcome to the world, darling child. There are lots of people who are here to make sure you have the best life possible. You are going to hear many stories in your life, but the first one will come from me. It’s how you came to be part of our lives. “

Barney begins telling the story while the camera shifts to the apartment of an unknown person. Barney’s voice, “The story begins in the mind of a very disturbed person.”

In the apartment we see pictures of Robin all over one of the walls. The apartment obviously belongs to someone obsessed with her. A voice says, “I loved you since the first time I saw you on TV. I even had you in my cab once. You seemed so nice. But I wrote you many letters and they’ve all gone unanswered. That is NOT nice. I know you aren’t with anyone else, and if I can’t have you, I’ll make sure no one else does either.”

The scene shifts to Ted and Robin walking on the street, making small talk. They just had lunch together. When they are about to separate, Ted kisses Robin on the forehead. Robin opens her mouth to say something, then thinks better of it.

Ted notices this and asks, “What it is?”

Robin replies, “Nothing. It’s stupid.” Ted smiles at her, turns away and starts walking towards his office. Robin goes onto the street to flag a taxi. But the taxi she tried to flag suddenly accelerates towards her.

Ted hears the screeching of tires, turns around, and sees the taxi speeding towards Robin. He shouts, “ROBIN!” but she is unable to move. Just as the taxi is about to hit her, Ted comes flying through the air, pushes Robin away and gets struck by the taxi’s windshield. He rolls over the top of the vehicle and drops to the ground unconscious. The taxi speeds away.

The scene is now inside the ambulance speeding towards the hospital. Robin is with Ted and she’s frantic. “TED! DO YOU HEAR ME? HANG ON TED! WE’RE GETTING YOU HELP!” The tears start to flow. “I LOVE YOU TED! I LOVE YOU. PLEASE DON’T LEAVE ME!”

Inside the emergency waiting room, Robin softly says to herself, “Don’t leave me Ted.” She then reminisces about their relationship, to the song “If Ever I’m In Your Arms Again” by Pebo Bryson.

After several hours, one of the emergency doctors comes up to her. He says, “Are you the one that came in with the hit and run?”

Robin rises. “Yes, doctor! How is he?”

The doctor looks at her for a second and says, “Hey, aren’t you Robin Scherbatsky? I watch you all the time. My fiancé says she knows you and…”

“Doctor, If you want, I’ll sign your ass later, but right now tell me about Ted!”

“Oh, sorry. Of course. Well, he survived the surgery but he still has a big fight ahead of him. He’s in a coma. We will keep him in ICU for another day or so and the move him to a regular ward.”

“Thank G-d he’s alive at least. I want him in a private room with a doctor or nurse checking on him hourly. I will pay for it.”

The doctor responds, “Miss Scherbatsky, we don’t how long he will be in a coma, or even if he’ll ever come out of it. That could get very expensive.”

A tear flows from Robin’s eye. She softly says, “It’s all I can do for him now, doctor.”

The doctor nods and walks away.

Robin hears her name called and turns around. It’s Lily. She rushes toward her and they hug tightly.

“What happened?”

“Lily, It happened so fast. Some mad man in a taxi sped towards me. Just as I was about to be hit Ted leapt through the air and pushed me to safety. He was hit instead. Now he’s in a coma and the doctors don’t know if he’s ever going to come out of it.”

“That’s horrible!”

“It’s a nightmare.”

Lily says, “Come home with Marshall and me. You can have a good night’s rest and we all come back here tomorrow morning.”

Robin replies, “I don’t want to leave Ted.”

“I understand, Robin.”

“No, Lily. You don’t. I mean I don’t want to leave him. Not tonight, not ever.”

Lily looks Robin in the eye. “Yes, Robin, I understand.”

Robin replies, “Of course you do. Oh, Lily, I love him so much. I almost told him this afternoon but I was afraid of how he would react. What if I never get another chance to tell him?”

Lily replies, “Robin, Ted never gave up on you. Don’t even think about giving up on him. He has a lot to live for and we are going to remind him of that every day. He may not hear it but I’m sure he’ll feel it.”

Robin says, “But I’ve put him through so much, even before the accident. What if he holds me responsible? What if he wants me out of his life?”

“That’s not going to happen!”

“You don’t know that.”

“What I do know if that anything worth dying for is also worth living for. But right now, you need to be with people who love you. So we’re all going back to our place. Ted is going to need us all to be strong.”

 The scene shifts to Ted’s private room. Marshall is talking to Ted. “Guess what buddy! Remember Gazzola’s Pizza, where we used to go in Chicago? Well the owner’s son just opened up right here in New York. The first day you’re able we’re going to go there. My treat. If that doesn’t convince you to summon up all your strength and come back to us, I don’t know what will.”


The next morning it’s Barney that is talking to Ted. “I need you bro. We all do, especially Robin. We have so many legendary things left to do. Please, come back to us.”

The next morning the camera shows the hand of an unknown woman holding Ted’s hand. On her hand is an engagement ring. Her voice says, “Oh Ted, I always knew that your love for Robin would get you in trouble. Now you have to get better and make sure you get what you so dearly paid for.”

The woman is shown to be Victoria. She brushes aside a tear and hears the door to the room open and close. She looks back. It’s Robin.

“Victoria? How did you find out about Ted?”

“My fiancé is one of the doctors who worked on him. You owe his ass a signature. Please don’t be upset. I’m not here to cause any trouble.”

“It’s okay. In fact, I never did thank you for returning my locket to me.”

“To be honest, Robin, a part of me was hoping that when Ted gave it to you, you would change your mind and choose him instead.”

“Believe me I tried. Ted was just too honorable to do that to his best friend. Or anyone, probably.”

“And how are you holding out, Robin?”

“I’ve been much better. Victoria, you remember they day we met, in the ladies’ room in the night of the wedding? You offered me a shoulder to cry on. I didn’t take then but I could sure use it now.”

“Come here sweetie.” Victoria and Robins embrace. Robin is crying. “It’s going to okay, Robin. It’s going to be okay.”

The next morning, early, Robin is lying in bed with Ted in his hospital room. Ted opens his eyes and sees Robin with him. Confused, he says, “Robin?”

Robin awakens, yawns, and says, “Oh, g’morning Ted.” Then it hits her. TED! YOU’RE AWAKE!” She falls off the bed, and leaps right back up. With tears of joy in her eyes, she shouts, “YOU’RE BACK! YOU’RE BACK! OH, THANK G-D!” She rushes to the door, opens it and yells, “DOCTOR! DOCTOR! COME QUICK. HE’S AWAKE!”

The gang is waiting outside Ted’s room while he’s being examined. The doctor comes out and says, “he will need a couple of weeks of rest, with no stress in his life, but I think he’s going to be fine. He’s asked to see you, Miss Scherbatsky. Robin nervously goes in.

“How do feel?”

“A little ‘run down’, a little sore, but otherwise fine and happy to be here.”

“Well, your weird sense of humor is back. That’s a good sign. Ted, I’ve thought about what I would say at this moment a thousand times, but no words can do justice to how I feel. But I have to ask, why? Why, Ted? Why would you risk your life for mine?”

“What is it you think I was risking, Robin? My life would not have been worth living without you as part of it, even if only as friends. And I know you must be feeling grateful right now, but I don’t want that to make any difference in our relationship. I don’t want you doing or saying anything different that you would had none of this ever happened.”

“Ted, I don’t feel different towards you because you saved my life. I’ve never stopped loving you, even when I told you I didn’t. I loved you too much to let you end up with someone who couldn’t produce children. Even though you said you were fine with it, I couldn’t risk your changing your mind and becoming unhappy with me.

“But do you who else can’t have kids, Ted? Someone who’s dead. Someone who gave up his life to save the life of another. That person can’t have kids either, and you were willing to be that person. I should have trusted you all along. I’m so stupid.”

Ted just looks at Robin.

Robin continues. “Ted, please say something.”

Ted responds, “Robin, take my hand.” She takes his hand. Ted goes on. “Robin, it was all worth it just to hear those words from you. I hear Victoria visited while I was in a coma. She once told me that the reason my relationships with other women never seemed to work out was because you were bigger in my world than I realized. Well, she was wrong. You’re not just bigger in my world. You ARE my world. And I don’t want another minute to pass without our being committed to each other for the rest of our lives.

“Ted, please tell me you’re saying what I think you’re saying!”

“Robin Scherbasky, I love you. I always have and I always will. Will you marry me?”


The scene shifts to Ted and Robin’s wedding. Barney says to Robin, “Congratulations. This time, you chose…wisely.” Robin smiles.

Barney’s narration of the story continues: “So they finally got married and went to Canada on their honeymoon.”

It’s now six months later. Ted is talking with Marshall in MacLaren’s. He says, “Being married to Robin is everything I ever wanted it to be and more. I wouldn’t change a thing.”

At the same time Robin and Lily are together in the Tim Horton’s in Penn Station, and Robin is telling Lily, “Being married to Ted is more than I could ever have hoped for. I wouldn’t change a thing.”

Barney continues telling the story. ”Sweet child, neither of them wanted change, but sometimes it finds you anyhow.”

One afternoon Ted and Robin are having a glass of wine in the living room when Robin’s cell phone rings. “Hello? Yes, this is she. WHAT! ARE YOU SURE? Okay, I’ll come in tomorrow.” Robin drops the phone onto the floor and her face is white.

Ted is alarmed. “Robin. What is it? Who was on the phone?”

Robin, quite disoriented, says, “That was Dr. Conyers’ office. I wasn’t feeling well so I went to see her this morning. They ran some tests.”

Ted is even more alarmed now. “Robin! What is it? What’s wrong?”

Robin replies, “Ted, there is something I haven’t told you about me. About a week after we returned from Canada I got a call from Dr. Stangel.”

“Wait. Dr. Stangel, the fertility expert?”

“Yes. Lily told him about me. He said that he and a colleague were working on a new therapy for infertility. It was ready for testing and he wanted to know if I would interested in being part of the test group. He said not to get my hopes up on account of my history and age, but there was nothing to lose. So I agreed.”

“Robin, what are you saying?”

Robin’s lips began quivering, and tears of joy rushed from her eyes. “W-W-WE’RE GOING TO HAVE A BABY!”         Robin throws her arms around Ted, and holds him tighter than he’s ever been held before, and he begins to cry.

The story concludes with Barney saying to the new born. “And seven months later, you were born. They named you “Mira”, which is the first four letters of the word “mira-cle. That’s what you are to them, and to me, your new godfather. And you will grow up loved.”

Barney puts Mira back in her crib and turns off the light.  


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